Description of SBL Lapis Albus :-
Causes & Symptoms for Lapis Albus Burning and shooting pains with all the complaints is an indication for this remedy. Great power over new growths of many kinds. Elastic swelling of the glands, parotid, goitre. Swelling of lower lip, with burning, stinging pains Abscesses, and sores, enlargement and induration of glands, Lipoma Mind and Head Sick-headache is relieved with this remedy. Ear Otitis media suppurative, ear pain is relieved with lapis albus. Female complaints Burning, shooting, stinging pains in breasts and uterus. Faints with pain at menses. Neck Goitre, cretinism indicates lapis. The swelling in the neck of cervical glands. Generalities Feet and legs cold to knees. Enlarged gland where there is a degree of elasticity rather than stony hardness